Barbar​a ​Hussong
Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
What people say after having done the 8 Week Mindfulness course:
"I have experienced M.E for 8 years and found it impossible to sit in my body's aches, pains and symptoms every day ... I did the practice as I was determined I would come through it and I did!...I can cope with stress at work in a more laid back way;...and I feel a deep sense of calm, clarity and peace inside... the practice does change your life if you let it!!" - Karen
"I have so enjoyed the experience of learning Mindfulness from you, being part of the group and discovering its huge benefits. I feel that it has been an extremely nourishing experience, not only giving me permission to slow down, but most importantly showing me how to do it! I definitely feel much greater contentment and curiosity in my own company, plus much more awareness of the powerful connection between mind and body.Thank you so much and I do hope to be able to come to some of the refresher classes in the Autumn." - Jane
"...it enabled me to deal in new ways with stressful unforeseen events affecting my business. The last year has been one of the toughest for small companies like mine. In the past I would have worried much more, especially through replaying over and over in my mind, the events and worries, with the subsequent damaging effect on my sleep patterns and general well-being. Practising the various Mindful processes changed this cycle. This practice not only allowed me an oasis of calm each day where I could just be and not think of what had to come next but ... over time I noticed I became a lot less stressed by the events and could handle them in a more creative and productive way." - Phil
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again. I feel the practice of Mindfulness has significantly transformed my life, opening up a wonderful way of being with myself and the world! On the whole, I am a great deal happier, less stressed and at ease." - Isobel
"Before attending the programme I suffered bouts of intense facial and neck pain which were occurring on average once a fortnight, lasting 48 hours at a time. The pain was so great that I could not work during an episode and my whole life revolved around it. Now my life has changed. I still have bouts of pain, but the intensity has changed. I am now able to work with it. Mindfulness meditation is not a magic wand. It is the most valuable tool I possess for making my life worthwhile again. I cannot thank Barbara enough for showing me how to use it." - Pauline
Following completion of the course, monthly group meetings and quarterly day-workshops are offered in order to support and deepen your ongoing Mindfulness Practice.
" I began to feel more alert in a way I hadn't in years, decades even. I became stronger emotionally. I felt grounded too, which was just as well because I was about to face one of the most stressful periods of my life. I kept doing the Mindfulness practice each day through it all and it kept me centred, focused...It was also lovely meeting other like-minded people on the course and at the follow-up sessions. It has become a way of life, a wonderful way of life.
- Lyn